USDA Fast-Tracks GMO Crop Approval Process
By Melinda Suelflow, Campaigns
Organic Consumers Association, August 15, 2012
Straight to the Source
Earlier this summer, the USDA posted twelve new GE crops for public comment with a
September 11 deadline, and nine are under the new fast-tracked process.
That's twelve new GMOs to review and issue comments on in two months!
Here's the lowdown. Three of the new crops are under the old petition
process. Under the old process there is only one 60-day public comment
period. Here are the three crops under the old process:
--- Dow 2,4-D and Glufosinate Tolerant Soybean (APHIS-2012-0019)
Since the introduction of GM crops, the US has seen herbicide use increase by over
300 million pounds.
Big Biotech originally claimed that weeds would not develop resistance
to glyphosate (RoundUp), but they have and these new "superweeds" have
become the
driving force
behind new crops engineered for stacked, or multiple, herbicide
tolerances. Adoption of these new crops will lead to dramatic increases
in the use of higher risk herbicides such as 2,4-D and dicamba,
perpetuating the herbicide treadmill that is already in place.
2,4-D is already the third-most-used US herbicide, after glyphosate and atrazine, and as a
leading source of dioxin pollution, it's one of the
most deadly. As of yet, however, it's hardly used on soy at all. Just
3 percent of
total US soybean acres were treated with 2,4-D in 2006. Not only will
this percentage skyrocket once Agent Orange Soy hits the market, the
amount used per acre may
triple, according to the USDA.
Take Action!
---Bayer Glyphosate and Isoxaflutole Tolerant Soybean (APHIS-2012-0029)
Bayer's petition to force its new controversial herbicide (isoxaflutole)
tolerant soy on the market conceals crucial information on potential
allergenicity and toxicity that came to light when EU experts examined
the GMO soybean.
Take Action!
---Syngenta Corn Rootworm Resistant Corn (APHIS-2012-0024)
Syngenta's genetically engineered Bt crops have been banned in many
countries because of the documented harm they cause to people, animals
and insects. Bt corn produces its own insecticide that kills bad bugs
and good bugs alike, Bt corn pollen has reportedly killed peasants in
the Philippines, Bt livestock feed harms animals, and the Bt toxin is
now found in the blood of over 80% of women and their unborn children.
Take Action!
Under the new process, USDA has also opened nine additional new crops
for public comment. This initial comment period applies to the petitions
for nonregulated status which include information submitted by the
petitioning company. Once USDA has the completed their environmental
analyses they will open a final 30-day comment period for the
decision-making documents.
Here are the 9 crops under the new process with the same September 11 deadline:
---Okanagan Non-Browning Apple (APHIS-2012-0025)
Take Action!
Okanagan's "Arctic" apple would be the first genetically engineered
version of a food that people directly bite into. According to the
latest study by the
Environmental Working Group,
conventionally grown apples are the most pesticide contaminated fruit
or vegetable on the market. Conventional apples are dangerous, and GMO
apples are just a dumb idea - one not even supported by many in the
apple industry itself!
---Monsanto Dicamba Tolerant Soybean (APHIS-2012-0047)
Take Action!
According to the
Institute for Science in Society
(ISIS), "dicamba is actually an old herbicide that served alongside
"agent orange" in Vietnam, and has been resurrected as an
environmentally friendly chemical through the magic of public
---BASF Imidazolinone Tolerant Soybean (APHIS-2012-0028)
---Monsanto High Yield Soybean (APHIS-2012-0020)
---Monsanto Hybrid Corn (APHIS-2012-0027)
Four of the nine are genetically engineered with a soil bacteria that keeps
them alive even when they're sprayed with massive doses of the herbicide
glyphosate (Monsanto's RoundUp). More of these so-called "RoundUp Ready" crops mean more
RoundUp sprayed on our food. This is horrible because Monsanto's RoundUp
causes birth defects. Instead of "RoundUp Ready" we should call these
GMOs "Birth-Defect Ready"!
According to a report published by
Earth Open Source, industry's own studies -- including one commissioned
by Monsanto -- showed as long ago as the 1980's that RoundUp's active
ingredient, glyphosate, causes birth defects in laboratory animals.
---Dow 2,4-D, Glyphosate and Glufosinate tolerant Soybean (APHIS-2012-0032)
Take Action!
---Monsanto Glyphosate Tolerant Canola (APHIS-2012-0035)
---Pioneer Glyphosate Tolerant Canola (APHIS-2012-0031)
---Genective Glyphosate Tolerant Corn (APHIS-2012-0046)
USDA Fast-Tracks GMO Crop Approval Process
Despite massive public opposition, last year the USDA
announced plans
to streamline its genetically engineered petition process under the
Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Earlier this year
these controversial changes were implemented, speeding up the approval
process for new genetically engineered seeds and crops. The new process
will cut in half the time it takes for new GE seeds and crops to enter
the market.
USDA claims that the new fast-track process allows for earlier input
from the public to improve the quality of its environmental analyses.
But according to a USDA
press release,
the new process is a part of efforts by the Secretary of Agriculture,
Tom Vilsack, to "transform USDA into a high-performing organization that
focuses on its customers." The customers that USDA is so keen on
assisting are none other than Monsanto, Dow, Dupont, BASF, Syngenta, and
the rest of the Biotech bullies!
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